Cannabis for Sports Injuries – A Divine Connection

The complex balance between plants and animals has been extensively explored for its numerous therapeutic benefits. This balance has, for so many years, provided humankind with remedies to several health challenges that have plagued its existence. Over and over again, we see plants coming to our rescue and providing the much-needed relief from pains to even the most chronic of all disease conditions known to man. It is this complex interplay between therapeutic plants like hemp and diseases that has been explored by several athletes for sports injuries.

The perfect fit between cannabis medicine and sports injuries cannot be overemphasized as it provides one of the best and most efficacious benefits without compromising our health in terms of life-threatening side effects. In this article, we will look at the possible benefits of hemp for sports injuries. Please note that the information provided in this article is from scientific research and user testimonials and is not intended to diagnose, or treat any conditions. All medical claims are duly cited for reference purposes.

The complex connection between hemp medicine and sport injuries

Athletes, due to the strenuous nature of their activities, often encounter various conditions that directly implicate the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Note that the ECS consists of cannabinoids, receptors and enzymes. The complex interplay between the constituents of the ECS and neurotransmitters tends to play a key role in maintaining physiological balance, or homeostasis, throughout the body. When athletes push their limits, they may experience disruptions in ECS function, leading to issues like inflammation, pain, and stress.

Stress, for instance, affects how the endocannabinoid (eCB) system works. This was reported in a review paper published in 2018. According to the researchers, when stress happens suddenly, it increases the activity of FAAH in a part of the brain called the basolateral amygdala (BLA). The basolateral amygdala (BLA) plays a key role in processing emotions, particularly fear and anxiety, in the brain.

When FAAH activity is increased, it reduces the amount of anandamide (AEA) in circulation, making the brain. cells in the BLA are more active. This can lead to more anxiety-like behaviour. Long-term stress can also cause problems with 2-AG in the BLA. This happens because of changes in a process involving different parts of brain cells. This can also lead to more anxiety-like behaviour.

What is the connection between these activities and hemp medicine?

Cannabinoids like CBD interact with ECS receptors, modulating their activity to help alleviate inflammation and pain commonly associated with sports injuries. You can my previous article on how cannabis works for pain. By targeting these receptors, CBD can effectively reduce swelling and discomfort, allowing athletes to recover more swiftly and resume training.

It is pertinent to note that the ECS influences mood regulation and stress response, areas crucial for athletes facing the pressures of competition and performance. CBD’s anxiolytic properties may

How hemp medicine may support recovery from sport-related injuries

Pain Management: Cannabinoids, especially CBD, interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to alleviate pain sensations. By binding to cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system, CBD can reduce the perception of pain, making it an effective natural remedy for athletes dealing with post-workout soreness or injury-related pain.

Inflammation Reduction: Inflammation is a natural response to tissue damage during exercise. or injury, but excessive inflammation can prolong recovery time. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties help modulate the immune response, reducing inflammation in muscles and joints. This can expedite healing and allow athletes to return to training more quickly.

Muscle Relaxation: Compounds like THC and CBD act as muscle relaxants. These compounds can alleviate muscle tension and spasms, promoting relaxation and flexibility in athletes. By easing muscle stiffness, cannabis can enhance recovery and prevent injuries caused by overworked or tight muscles.

Improved Sleep: research shows that about 62.5% of athletes battle with sleep related challenges especially during competitions. Cannabinoids can regulate sleep patterns by interacting with receptors in the brain that control the sleep-wake cycle. Athletes who struggle with insomnia or disrupted sleep may benefit from using cannabinoids to promote deeper, more restorative sleep, leading to better overall recovery and performance.

Anxiety Reduction: hemp has anxiolytic effects that can help athletes manage performance- related anxiety and stress. By activating receptors in the brain associated with relaxation and calmness, cannabis can alleviate pre-competition jitters and promote a more positive mindset, enhancing athletic performance.

Neuroprotection: Hemp contains neuroprotective compounds that may shield the brain from damage caused by head injuries or concussions. Hemp’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can mitigate the harmful effects of traumatic brain injuries, reducing the risk of long-term cognitive impairment in athletes.

Alternative to Opioids: With growing concerns about the opioid epidemic and the addictive
nature of prescription painkillers, hemp offers a safer alternative for managing pain in athletes.
CBD, in particular, can provide pain relief without the risk of dependence or harmful side effects
associated with opioids.

Looking Forward: In essence, hemp-derived products offer athletes a natural and holistic approach to managing the rigours of their profession. By harnessing the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids, athletes can optimize their recovery, enhance performance, and maintain overall health and wellness in the demanding world of sports.

Freelance Cannabis Writer and Content Strategist | I add fun to the complexities of cannabis science | Speaker at the 2022 Emerald Conference | Sports Cannabis Contributor Writer