NBA Suspends Random Cannabis Testing

In the latest news of Cannabis making waves throughout the sporting world, the NBA has said it will suspend random cannabis testing for the 20’21 season.

Due to the unusual circumstances in conjunction with the pandemic, we have agreed with the NBPA to suspend random testing for marijuana for the 2020’21 season and focus on our random testing program on performance-enhancing products and drugs of abuse”

Mike Bass, League Spokesman

As athletes and sporting leagues continue to break the stigma, the cannabis community can only hope this turns in an indefinite ban on Cannabis testing.

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What is Cannabidiol CBD?

CBD was first discovered in 1940 and is one of 100+ identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. CBD does not have the same psychoactive properties as THC and is being explored for the medical properties. As of 2019, clinical research studies have commenced in areas related to Anxiety, Cognition, Movement Disorders, Pain, Inflammation, Recovery and Sleep Deprivation.

Currently CBD, one of more than 100 cannabinoids in the plant is not prohibited.

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