Starting 2022 on a High Note

Al Harrington, Founder of Viola Brand and cannabis advocate has led the charge for athletes around the world pushing a host of initiatives to the forefront. With an opportunity to shift the cannabis conversation and provide a much needed dose of education, Al Harrington joined Brandon Marshall, Chad Johnson, Chantel Tremitiere and D.J. Williams on the I Am Athlete Podcast. “In New York, New York … Continue reading Starting 2022 on a High Note

The NBA Passes on Cannabis Testing for Another Season

The National Basketball Association made headlines around the world passing on cannabis testing for a second straight season.  Due to the unusual circumstances surrounding last year’s season, the NBA suspended all random tests for cannabis and shifted focus to random testing for performance-enhancing products. Many athletes hoped this would lead to a permanent change and on Wednesday October 6th, 2021 progress was made; “We have agreed … Continue reading The NBA Passes on Cannabis Testing for Another Season

Pushing for Cannabis Action

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, athletes, artists and professionals around the world are stressing the importance of keeping the conversation open, transparent and constant. In a recent live stream event heavy hitters Al Harrington, John Wall, Drake, Killer Mike and Ralo announced they had written a joint letter requesting President Biden to pardon all non-violent cannabis offenders.  During his 2019 presidential campaign, Biden … Continue reading Pushing for Cannabis Action