Advocating for Mental Health and Wellness On and Off the Field with Percy Harvin

NFL Legend and Super Bowl Champion Percy Harvin is using his platform to advocate for cannabis.

Harvin made a name early in his career, winning the BCS National Championship with the Florida Gators in 2006 and 2008. Continuing his reign of success, Percy was selected in the first round of the NFL draft by the Minnesota Vikings and earned the award for NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year in 2009. Harvin went on to play 8 seasons in the NFL with the Minnesota Vikings, the Seattle Seahawks, the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills with accolades that include; Pro Bowl Honours, Minnesota Vikings All-Man of America Field Team, PFWA All-Rookie Team and a Super Bowl Championship in 2013.

Changing the conversation, Harvin is sharing his story with mental health and wellness on and off the field;

“The only thing that really seemed to work is when I would smoke marijuana…There’s not a game that I played in that I wasn’t high…”

In recent years, retired and active elite football players have come to the forefront to push research and education forward;

That’s what I want the world to kinda see today is it’s not a stigma… It’s people that’s just living regular life that just got deficiencies or just maybe wanna enjoy themselves. It’s a natural way to do so.”

In 2021, the NFL loosened their stance on cannabis consumption during the offseason, allowing for infused offseasons. The new guidelines allow players to consume Delta 9 THC-Carboxylic Acid during the offseason from April 20 to Aug 09. Maintaining the course, the NFL made headlines in 2022 by awarding 1 Million dollars for studies investigating the effects of cannabinoids on elite football athletes. Out of 106 proposals submitted, two teams from the University of San Diego and the University of Regina in Canada were selected by the NFL and the NFL Player’s Joint Pain Management Committee.

Sports Cannabis